Mission and History

Mission and History

Learn more about what sets Yeshivat Drisha apart

Drisha opened the doors of its Yeshiva in August 2018, offering full-time, advanced learning to women. It has created a close community of advanced learners who daven and deepen their dedication to Torah and mitzvot together. The mission of the Yeshiva is to enable women to achieve the highest levels of Torah learning by fostering their development as talmidot chakhamim and cultivating intellectual, religious, and personal depth.

In our unique Shana Alef program, highly motivated, post-high school young women join the Yeshiva, alongside the advanced learners, for a tailor-made one-year program. For more about our Shana Alef program, click here.

The yeshiva is led by Rosh Yeshiva Hanna Godinger (Dreyfuss). Rabbanit Yael Shimoni is the Assistant Rosh Yeshiva. They are joined by several part-time faculty members who teach courses and guide independent learning.

“The mission of the Yeshiva is to enable women to achieve the highest levels of Torah learning by fostering their development as talmidot chachamim and cultivating intellectual, religious, and personal depth.”

The yeshiva’s curriculum focuses on gemara, in which students study classic “Yeshiva sugyot” in five sedarim of iyun a week. Additionally, four weekly sedarim of bekiut are spent learning a different part of the same masechet with a chavruta from the advanced learners. Afternoons and evenings feature classes in Tanakh, Halakha, Machshava, Aggada, and Chassidut. All courses of study include significant periods of independent learning in preparation for shiurim, with a heavy emphasis placed on learning methodology.

Each of the three daily sedarim of learning begins with davening together as a beit midrash (without “devarim sheb’kdusha“). Morning seder is preceded by shacharit, afternoon seder by mincha, and night seder by maariv. Our Tefillah is enriched by faculty-led limmud before shacharit which cultivates mindful and deep engagement in davening.