Yeshivat Drisha Schedule
Glossary of Terms
A block of independent learning time. Each shiur at Yeshivat Drisha is preceded by chavruta time, where students learn the sources to be discussed in shiur, and formulate their own thoughts and questions in preparation for the shiur.
Learning with the goal of gaining a broad understanding of the masekhet and covering as much ground as possible. This is the breadth, as opposed to the depth, of iyyun learning. At Yeshivat Drisha, every morning begins with an hour of bekiut learning, where Shana Alef students learn in chavruta with the advanced students.
In-depth learning of a shorter passage with the goal of arriving at a deep understanding of the concepts presented in the sugya. Parshanim are studied and compared and different methods of analysis are employed.
A weekly shiur given to the entire Yeshiva by one of Israel’s leading Torah scholars on the masekhet being studied. This is an incredible opportunity to be exposed to other figures and learning styles.
A twenty minute time slot at the end of Morning Seder on Wednesdays, where the previous day’s Shiur Klali is analyzed from a methodological perspective. We discuss the different styles employed by the various speakers, and the advantages and disadvantages of the pedagogical approach.
A twenty minute time slot before Mincha on Tuesdays, where a staff member or student prepares a short discussion question about something related to tefillah. This cultivates more mindfulness in our tefillah, and enhances our individual and collective davening.
A twenty minute time slot at the end of Morning Seder on Thursdays where we reflect on our learning during the past week, and raise questions and ideas that affected us personally. The goal of this is to bring our learning into our everyday lives and turn our Torah into a tefillah for the future.
Once a week we take something from current events and discuss it from a Torah perspective.